Will Kemp

Pastor and church planter in North Texas. You have the right to do better Theology. Learn more about the blog here - 'Lost In Translation'

Twin Update (4/19)

Twin Update (4/19)

Prayer update: So much has happened since we have been able to update you. 

First, Joshua “the brave” is still slowly but surely improving, but will have at least few more days in the NICU to make sure his Brady heart issues are fully resolved, and to make sure his feedings are consistent and sustaining. We treasure the time that we get to spend with him each day (nothing boosts our spirits and puts wind in our sails like that time) and we can’t wait to bring him home. It’s been so fun watching him make faces and be silly, smile and coo at us. But until the time comes to bring him home, we will trust the Lord and the wonderful nurses, techs, and doctors at the hospital (especially Mary Jane and Renee… it was wonderful to see friendly and familiar faces yesterday). 

Aaron is just awesome. We are so happy that a few family members and friends have been able to meet him (don’t worry, we will get everyone over eventually… sign up for a Meal Train if you want to help out and have the possibility of seeing the babies… no promises because we all sleep a large percentage of the day now…lol). Aaron is putting on weight and has his 2 week appointment on Thursday (pray for that, it’s going to be important as we try to figure out all the coming transitions).

David is mostly unaware of his new brother’s presence, happily playing with his cars and loving every trip to the park our friends and neighbors take him on. He’s doing the BIG slide now because he saw big kids doing it and David is not one to be outdone. Also, a fun story: David is really funny about babies and dogs—he horribly misreads them. Anytime a dog barks or a baby cries, David laughs, finding it amusing that the baby or dog is doing their signature sound. Eventually this will be problematic but for now it’s cute and hilarious. 

Heather is really recovering much better this time from the c-section and she’s being a rockstar pumping (the hospital grade pump, better lactation consultants, and incredible determination and dedication are making a remarkable difference). The Lord is teaching us to take nothing for granted, so we celebrate every small blessing and victory. So many people have already been ever so generous with us. I, Will, am doing pretty good. I’ve had a rough few nights (of little to no sleep), but I am really well enough. It’s all worth it.

God has also give us opportunities to be a light in the darkness of NICU, sharing our faith and story with nurses and doctors. Our best opportunity came with an Indian couple with a baby in long-term NICU. I could tell one day as we shared an elevator ride downstairs that they were struggling (just like us) and felt led to pray for them. I leaned into the awkward and asked them if I could pray for their little girl. They allowed us to and we spoke words of encouragement over them and we saw them again in the parking lot yesterday and they seemed to be in better spirits. Prayer is powerful and effective! So please keep praying for us, this couple, and all the parents and babies in the NICU. It’s been a roller coaster of a few weeks, and makes my head spin if I think about it too hard. We are doing our best to live in the moment. Speaking of living in the moment, I am going to focus on sleeping Aaron in my arms now. Will update again soon!! 😊

Guilt & Shame: The Annoying Smoke Alarm Beeping of the Soul

Guilt & Shame: The Annoying Smoke Alarm Beeping of the Soul