Will Kemp

Pastor and church planter in North Texas. You have the right to do better Theology. Learn more about the blog here - 'Lost In Translation'

In the Hands of our Father, The Heavenly Potter

In the Hands of our Father, The Heavenly Potter

I used to call it patience,
Spiritualized forbearance,
But it was human interference

In a divine transmission,
A lack of humble submission,
A pastoral transgression,

For I have been trespassing,
On God’s best blessing,
An opportunity for pottery pressing,   *

Shaping, molding, roughly reforming,
Hearts, minds, souls, transforming,   *
Back to the original image and mold conforming,   *

By trials of fire purifying,   *
Under duress and pain mystifying,
We seek the Lord even in dying,   *

For God does not abandon His creation,
In the midst of tribulation,   *
Potential for deep unification,

With Father, Son, and Spirit,
If only we could hear it,
Come Lord Jesus, Send us your Spirit

To comfort us in our affliction,
Then for us to share the same benediction,
First to us given, to be shared, not kept in witness protection,   *

This prayer represents my confession,
Of unnecessary protection,
From your Fatherly rod of correction.   *

1* – Jeremiah 18
2* – 2 Corinthians 5:17; Romans 12:2
3* – 2 Corinthians 4:4; Colossians 1:15
4* – Malachi 3:3
5* – Daniel 3:16-18
6* – Daniel 3:25
7* – 2 Corinthians 1:3-8
8* – Hebrews 12:3-13

You're Molded Clay, not a Heap of Dirt

You're Molded Clay, not a Heap of Dirt

Challenge Accepted!

Challenge Accepted!