Will Kemp

Pastor and church planter in North Texas. You have the right to do better Theology. Learn more about the blog here - 'Lost In Translation'

A Tale of Two Cities on a Hill

A Tale of Two Cities on a Hill

“This Election has become an Inspection of our Souls” (A Tale of Two Cities on a Hill)


This election
Has become an inspection
Of our souls
For whom it tolls
Whose name we sing
When Philly freedom bells ring

We seek a savior on CAPITOL hill
We jest and jeer, savor cheap thrills
Revolutionary or run of the mill
Running for a seat only to sit still
Parties enter the arena of murder, death, kill
One side triumphs, the other left with the bitter pill

This election has become an idol referendum
Two candidates competed for our hearts, leaving conundrums
In their wake, now we feel listless, stuck in doldrums
Of reality striking home, stuck under the thumb
Of fear, anxiety, dread, nightmares make us speechless, dumb

O for a thousand tongues to sing
Of a greater prophet, priest, and king

Seek first the kingdom won on CALVARY
Seas and shores divide these “C’s,” yet rivalry
And fight betwixt them spring, awaiting the arrival He
Will bring, an eternal dynasty
When earth will finally meet something permanently heavenly

Forgive us Lord for settling for presidential
Instead of the I Am, so let us yearn for Providential
The essence of essential
Never tangential

Forgive us Lord for Trumped-up towers of Babel
And the scandals we Hilariously saddle
On others we deem less
Neglecting to see our own mess

It’s time to confess our American Idols
To stop being so provincial and tribal
To cease spewing hate and libel
To disciple the entitled
To bring revival to the end this vicious cycle
May the church be more loving, more bridal
Less divisive, Less primal
And find a shared hope in the Bible

On the year that Donald Trump got elected
Our souls got thoroughly inspected
Found wanting, terribly infected
Our Creator by His own creation disrespected
Truth neglected
Lies collected
But to cross I cling, genuflected

And I saw the Lord sitting on His throne
Radiance and glory from His face shown
Immanuel, God promises we will never be alone
Angels surround
Singing songs that would astound
Holding purifying embers
That could clean up Tinder

Today we may have a new president
But it’s no accident
That our King remains the same
His name


*The above poem is a prophetic poem based on Isaiah 6. It may also be helpful to know the following poetic device is used frequently.

"Enjambment" is the continuation of a sentence or clause over a line-break. If a poet allows all the sentences of a poem to end in the same place as regular line-breaks, a kind of deadening can happen in the ear, and in the brain too, as all thoughts can end up being the same length. 

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