Are You Not Entertained?
"Entertaining Angels by the light of my TV screen..."
This word can be used two ways. Selfishly, we use it to describe that process where we amuse ourselves and attempt to numb and escape the outside world. Selflessly, we use this word to describe being hospitable by welcoming others into our lives and homes. The Bible is solely concerned with the second definition, but we tend to spend most of our time doing the first, more "mean meaning" (if I can quote Shakespeare).
Recently, Heather and I have had the opportunity to entertain someone for the last few weeks. I share this not to brag, but actually share the opposite. My wife, Heather, is really the one who deserves any accolades or credit. She has a unique spiritual ability to see a need and find a way to meet it. Throughout the process of learning to be hospitable to this former stranger I have struggled between my selfish and selfless yearnings for entertainment. By the way, the biblical word for hospitality literally means "friend of strangers/travelers/foreigners."
Let brotherly love continue. Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares (Hebrews 13:1-2).
Scripture is full of beautiful examples of hospitality. Ruth & Boaz, Rahab, Abraham & Lot, Elijah & the widow, the early church in Acts, and the list goes on. Most of the people of faith commended for their faithfulness in Hebrews 11 are commended for how they were hospitable in difficult circumstances. Our selfishness and the outside stress of the world makes it increasingly difficult to allow entertainment to be other-centered. Yet, I find no greater fulfillment than entertaining others and find such freedom in not always feeling the need to entertain only myself.